The Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System (AFIPPS) is a solution to modernize the way Airmen and Guardians conduct military pay and Human Resources (HR) processes. AFIPPS will expand the already existing Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) platform by incorporating military pay responsibilities and processes to create a true HR ecosystem. Once AFIPPs goes live, each Airman and Guardian will have a single, authoritative record – no more separate HR and pay records in multiple systems. AFIPPS will enable accurate and timely delivery of pay, entitlements, allowances, and benefits.


AFIPPS 101  AFIPPS Demo: HDIP & OCONUS COLA  AFIPPS: What You Can Expect  AFIPPS: Streamlined Process  AFIPPS: Reenlistment Bonus Scenario


  • The Air Force will remain on MilPDS and expand Oracle EBS’s capabilities

  • Airmen and Guardians will have a single authoritative member record for HR and pay

  • The Department of the Air Force is committed to improving the warfighter’s customer experience

  • AFIPPS will provide a single, auditable system to manage military personnel and pay


AFIPPS' public-facing website currently serves as the primary location for up-to-date program information. Airman Readiness packages, FSS package materials, brochures, posters, and other downloadable content (DLC) live on this page, as well as YouTube and the AFIPPS Portal (best viewed on Google Chrome), and other important resources. We strongly encourage you to check in here every so often and forward any helpful DLC, update, or video links to your unit.


AFIPPS Portal Digital Newsletters

Digital newsletters are available on the AFIPPS Portal. These digital newsletters highlight key transformational and/or implementation activities for the quarter, including upcoming events and recent milestones. As ROSS approaches, content focus has shifted to Self-Service and Account Creation-specific information pertinent to the Total Force.