PCSing? Start here

Have you received your PCS Assignment in IPPS-A to PCS out of Alaska? If so, download our PCS Checklist and follow these steps to receive your PCS orders and have a smooth PCS:

Returning CONUS:

  1. Verify the command sponsorship status of your dependents.
  2. Verify the status of your Government Travel Charge Card.
  3. Complete your Member Elections in IPPS-A.
  4. Verify that your DEROS date supports your assignment and submit an FSTC/FSTE PAR in IPPS-A if needed.
  5. Draft and submit your PCS Leave Absence Request in IPPS-A.
  6. Complete and return the PCS information sheet to MPD-Army Reassignments.


  1. Verify the command sponsorship status of your dependents.
  2. Complete the required OCONUS documents and submit for Concurrent Family Travel in E-EFMP .
  3. Verify the status of your Government Travel Charge Card.
  4. Complete your Member Elections in IPPS-A.
  5. Verify that your DEROS date supports your assignment, and submit an FSTC/FSTE PAR in IPPS-A if needed.
  6. Draft and submit your PCS Leave Absence Request in IPPS-A.
  7. Complete and return the PCS Information Sheet to MPD-Army Reassignments.
  8. When orders are completed, apply for official passports for dependents accompanying you, and then any visas needed.

Enlisted Soldiers going onto an Airborne assignment will need to sign a AAA-234 with the Reassignments Team.

All Soldiers, regardless of next duty station, are required to attend a PCS levy brief -- a meeting that provides guidance and useful information to members of the armed forces who have been reassigned to another military post. These briefings play an important role in transitioning military personnel from one station to another. PCS Levy Briefs are held every third Tuesday, with sign-in at 12:30 p.m., at the JBER Education Center in the large lecture hall on the first floor.

Clearing Housing



Temporary Lodging

Services & Resources


Helpful Downloads

  • Packet - PCS Checklist
  • PCS Information Sheet
  • PCS Leave Guide
  • Airborne Assignments (AAA-234)
  • Overseas PCS packet
  • Member Elections Guide

Army Reassignments Contacts

Offices are in Building 600

Team Lead, Reassignments Section: 907-384-1146, RM 205

Reassignments Clerks: 907-384-1116, RM 206

Team Lead, Soldier Actions Branch: 907-384-1024, RM 215 (Passport Agent)

Soldier Actions Clerks:
907-384-3350, RM 213 (Command Sponsorship)
907-384-1037, RM 215 (Family Travel)

Team Lead, In/Out Processing: 907-384-0338, RM 103
In/Out Processing Clerks: 907-384-0451, RM 103

Chief, Army Military Personnel Section:  907-384-0557, RM 204