Alaskan NORAD Region

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a binational United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. Aerospace warning includes the monitoring of manmade objects in space, and the detection, validation and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles or space vehicles, utilizing mutual support arrangements with other commands. Aerospace control includes ensuring air sovereignty and air defense of the airspace of Canada and the United States. 



Alaskan Command

ALCOM was established in 1947 to provide unity of command in the effort to defend and protect the North American region, and provide humanitarian support to Alaskan neighbors. Today, Alaska continues to be a strategic location, and ALCOM’s leadership in joint training, homeland defense, civil support, mission assurance, humanitarian services, and security cooperation to defend the United States is crucial.

11th Air Force

11th Air Force provides combat ready forces for COMPACAF. Defends Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam and key strategic nodes against all threats. Deploys service component forces worldwide in response to major regional contingencies. Supports vital Pacific air bridge operation for throughput of strategic movement by contingency forces during crisis response. Provides support to federal and state authorities during civil emergencies, search and rescue operations & counternarcotics interdictions. 

673d Air Base Wing

The 673d ABW consists of four groups that operate and maintain the joint base for air sovereignty, combat training, force staging and throughput operations in support of worldwide contingencies. The wing supports and enables three AF total-force wings, an Army division, and 55 other tenant units. In addition, the wing provides medical care to over 35,000 service members, dependents, VA patients and retirees throughout Alaska.

3rd Wing

3rd Wing is the largest and principal unit within 11th Air Force. A composite organization, it provides air supremacy, surveillance, worldwide airlift, and agile combat support forces to project power and reach. The Wing supports and defends U.S. interests in the Asia Pacific region and around the world by providing units ready for worldwide air-power projection and a base capable of meeting PACOM's theater-staging and throughput requirements.  

The 176th Wing is an elite force composed of more than 1,500 well-trained professional Airmen who integrate seamlessly into all Department of Defense, Active Component, Air Reserve Command, and Defense Support to Civil Authorities operations. They conduct missions of Combat Search and Rescue, and Agile Combat Support for Air Expeditionary Force tasking, and Strategic Airlift, Homeland Defense, and Defense Support to Civil Authorities.

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477th Fighter Group

The 477th Fighter Group is Air Force Reserve Command's first F-22A Raptor unit. The 477th FG is a Classic Associate unit responsible for recruiting, training, developing and retaining Citizen Airmen to support 3rd Wing and Expeditionary Air Force mission requirements.  

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Tenant Units

381st Intelligence Squadron
715th Air Mobility Operations Group
Pacific Air Forces Regional Support Center

732 Air Mobility Squadron
Air Force Audit Agency
Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Det 631