Military Personnel Flight

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 2995Collapse List item 2995  Passports

Email for instructions. 

Expand List item 2269Collapse List item 2269  RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler (ID Cards)
Expand List item 1929Collapse List item 1929  Phone Number
(907) 552-8080
Expand List item 1900Collapse List item 1900  Location

The People Center (Bldg 8517)

  8517 20th Street, Suite 111

 JBER, AK 99506

Expand List item 1901Collapse List item 1901  Hours of Operation

Customer Support/Force Management: Mon-Fri, 0730 - 1530


Career Development: Mon-Fri, 0730-1100, 1100 - 1530 by appointment only


MPF will close at 1200 every Third Thursday of the month for training


Closed on Federal holidays and/or PACAF down days.

673d FSS Leadership


 Contact Information  
Administrative Officer   384-3139
Commander's Support Staff  384-0197
Squadron Superintendent  384-3136
Squadron First Sergeant  384-3135


Early Return of Dependents/Dependents Remaining Overseas/Command Sponsorship

Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 1585Collapse List item 1585  Assignments
Expand List item 1586Collapse List item 1586  

Overseas No Dependents

Expand List item 1587Collapse List item 1587  

Overseas W/Dependents Accompanied

Expand List item 1588Collapse List item 1588  

Overseas W/Dependents Unaccompanied

Expand List item 1589Collapse List item 1589  

CONUS W/Dependents

Expand List item 1590Collapse List item 1590  

CONUS No Dependents

Expand List item 2009Collapse List item 2009  
