The Department of Defense addresses sustainability in its operations as a systematic framework aimed at building an enduring future (from DOD Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan, Fiscal Year 2011):
“The department’s vision of sustainability is to maintain the ability to operate into the future without decline — either in the mission or in the natural and manufactured systems that support it. DOD embraces sustainability as a critical enabler in the performance of our mission, recognizing that it must plan for and act in a sustainable manner now in order to build an enduring future. Sustainability is not an individual departmental program; rather, it is an organizing paradigm that applies to all DOD mission and program areas. Applying a systematic framework for improving sustainability involves a wide range of practices that span much of the department’s day-to-day activities and military operations, and DOD personnel are learning to apply this mindset to improve mission performance and reduce lifecycle costs. The Department recognizes that many key issues facing DOD can be addressed through smart investments that improve sustainability as well as promote the mission, such as using energy and water more efficiently, acquiring more energy from renewable sources, designing buildings for high performance, reducing the use of toxic and hazardous chemicals, and optimally managing solid waste.”