PCS OUTPROCESSING People who are outprocessing should stop by Finance Customer Service as soon 30 days before departure with two copies of orders. This handout contains information to help you understand the entitlements you are going to receive during your PCS. MILITARY PAY ENTITLEMENTS BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR SUBSISTENCE & BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR HOUSING - BAS & BAH is payable during your PCS time period - BAH will continue to be paid during your PCS based on your previous duty station COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE (COLA) - Your COLA entitlement will end the day prior to departing Alaska. TEMPORARY LODGING ALLOWANCE - TLA is payable up to 5 days - You must file your TLA claim with the housing office prior to your departure from Elmendorf. Once housing approves the TLA claim, finance will process the reimbursement and it will post to your next available paycheck ADVANCE MILITARY PAY - Advanced military pay is issued no more than 30 days prior to departure or 60 days after arrival at your new PDS. - Members E-3 and below must have their Commander's approval for advance pay. - Members E-4 and above can request 1 month of advance pay without commander's approval, but must have Commander's approval for advances over one month advance. - The maximum payable to any member at any grade is 3 months base pay minus taxes and deductions. - The normal repayment of advance pay is 12 months/minimum of $50.00 per month deduction. - You must provide circumstances of financial hardship to have an extension of the payback period, as well as Commander's approval. LEAVE AND EARNINGS STATEMENT (LES) - You will be able to log onto myPay to receive your LES during your PCS. You can log into myPay from any computer with Internet access. BANK OF AMERICA GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CARD - Upon arrival at your new PDS, you must contact your new unit Government Travel Card representative to change your account to your new PDS - Split Disbursement Option: When filing your voucher at your gaining base and you want the GTC to be paid, make sure that on your voucher you mark split disbursement and put how much you want to have sent so you can avoid writing a check - You can view your GTC balance or make any payments to your GTC at www.myeasypayment.com. ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER - Everyone must have an active account for EFT deposits. If you are planning to change your account, please ensure the information is updated in both the military pay and travel pay systems TRAVEL PAY ENTITLEMENTS TRANSOCEANIC TRAVEL - Travel from Alaska and Hawaii is considered to be overseas travel or transoceanic travel. These locations require special authorization for travel according to the Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR), therefore; no member is authorized to procure his/her own transoceanic travel unless approved by TMO. Transoceanic travel is considered any travel outside the borders of the continental US on official government travel orders PCS TRAVEL USING PRIVATE AUTO - Member and authorized dependents are entitled to per diem for each travel day (350 miles equals one travel day) and mileage reimbursement. Two autos may be used. The rates are as follows: PER DIEM: MEMBER: $99.00 SPOUSE/CHILD 12 AND UP: $74.25 CHILD UNDER 12: $49.50 MILITARY MARRIED TO MILITARY EACH RECEIVES $99.00 PER TRAVEL DAY MILEAGE: MEMBER: $.15 EACH FAMILY MEMBER $.02 TOTAL WILL NOT EXCEED $.20 PER VEHICLE MILITARY MARRIED TO MILITARY DRIVING SAME AUTO ONLY ONE MILITARY MEMBER IS AUTORIZED $.15 PER MILE. THE OTHER MEMBER WILL RECEIVE $.02 PER MILE POV SHIPMENT: - Authorized to ship one vehicle at port and be reimbursed for second vehicle on Alaskan Ferry System ALASKAN FERRY SYSTEM - Member and dependents will be paid for the driving portions of the trip the same as listed above - You are authorized a night in each ferry port, (Haines & Bellingham, per diem is payable based on the locality rates of Haines and Bellingham - Current per diem rate for 2007 is $64.00 per day for the member - Dependent's per diem is payable based on a percentage of the member's per diem o SPOUSE AND CHILD 12 AND UP RECIEVE 75% of the member's rate o CHILD UNDER 12 RECEIVES 50% of the member's rate - There is a separate per diem rate while on the ferry for 24 hours. The rate payable is based on the highest CONUS rate at the time of travel HOUSING ALLOTMENTS - If residing in Aurora Military Housing, you have two options for that allotment: 1) You may stop your allotment via myPay. 2) When out processing through Aurora Housing, you may sign an authorization for them to stop the allotment after they receive final payment - If participating in the Rental Partnership Program through the Housing office, stopping this allotment will require you to fill out a DD Form 2558, 'AUTHORIZATION TO START, STOP OR CHANGE AN ALLOTMENT' and turn into finance. DISLOCATION ALLOWANCE - This entitlement is payable on your PCS travel settlement voucher. The entitlement is based on you rank and dependency status. The rates are effective 1 January - 31 December every calendar year.