Environmental Conservation

The JBER Conservation Program is responsible for the sound management and protection of 74,600 acres of land, along with base forestry, fish and wildlife management, outdoor recreation planning, as well as cultural resources management. Adjacent to the third largest state park in America. JBER is relatively undeveloped and provides important habitat for local wildlife. Most of JBER is open for outdoor recreation to the base population while general public access is more restrictive. Please visit the JBER RecAccess webpage to view a list of available outdoor activities, sign up for a recreational permit, and how to gain access to JBER for the general public.

Natural Resources

Natural Resources imageJBER is home to 39 species of mammals, 162 species of birds, 12 species of fish, and 1 amphibian. The installation supports populations of moose, black and brown bears, wolves, small game, bald eagles, loons, rainbow trout, all five species of Pacific salmon, and the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale. JBER is also responsible for the protection and conservation of the natural landscapes and vegetative communities. For example, the Eagle River Flats wetlands area is a large focus of conservation as it supports incredible biodiversity. Plants such as spruce trees are also a current conservation concern due to the increasingly problematic spruce beetle epidemic.

Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources imageThe JBER Cultural Resources Program manages and promotes the preservation and productive use of significant historic buildings, cultural landscapes, and archeological and sacred sites. Activities that cause ground disturbance can alter or destroy cultural resources. New facilities construction, clearing of vegetation, military training and live fire activities, looting and theft all pose threats to cultural resources and must be managed accordingly.

One of JBER’s most famous cultural resources is Nike Site Summit, which can be seen from base atop Mount Gordon Lyon. Explore the history of Nike Site Summit.

A vast number of archaeological sites can be found on JBER. These sites, and all archaeological resources on JBER, are managed and protected by policy directives and federal law. If you encounter something that may be of archaeological or historic importance, contact Cultural Resources (907‐384‐3467). To report vandalism, please contact Security Forces (907‐552‐3421).

  • Conservation Office...907-384‐3380
  • Conservation Law
  • Cultural Resources…....384‐3467
  • Security Forces…......…552‐3421

RecAccess: Recreation and outdoor activities. A recreational permit is required for use of undeveloped areas.