Environmental Restoration

Sixmile Lake Drum Removal ProjectThe Environmental Restoration Section is responsible for cleaning up contamination from past operations by reducing risks to human health and the environment. The section manages the Environmental Restoration Program, Military Munitions Response Program and Contaminated Sites Program. Responsibilities include:
  • Identification and characterization of contaminated sites
  • Planning, programming and budgeting of cleanup projects
  • Cradle-to-grave management of restoration activities
  • Contract oversight
  • Interface with EPA and state representatives regarding cleanup of contaminated sites.

Community Environmental Board

The Community Environmental Board provides information exchange between the community and the base.

Environmental Distribution List

To be added to the Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson distribution list for periodic updates on environmental restoration programs, provide your name, organization, address and e-mail address to the Environmental Community Relations Coordinator, 673d Air Base Wing Public Affairs (673 ABW/PA), 10480 Sijan Ave. Suite 123, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson AK 99506, or e-mail the information to jber.pa@us.af.mil and ask to be added to the environmental distribution list.

Information Repository and Administrative Record

Information Repository
The Information Repository is the reference source for information about environmental restoration activities at JBER. The Information Repository is located at Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS): UAA/APU Consortium Library 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage

Administrative Record
The administrative record is the body of documents and information that forms the basis for the selection of a particular response action at a site. The administrative record for sites at JBER can be viewed on the web at: https://ar.cce.af.mil
The sites are not listed under JBER. When searching for sites on the electronic administrative record, search under the old installation names (Elmendorf AFB, Alaska & Fort Richardson, Alaska).