• Northern Edge 2008 (NE08) Exercise Underway

    What do the following numbers have in common: 360 sorties, 930 flying hours and 770,000 gallons of jet fuel? These numbers add up to the amount of training events and support activities that have made the first week of Northern Edge 2008 a success. There's one other number which also needs to be

  • PACOM commander visits Northern Edge

    Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of Pacific Command (PACOM), was in the furthest north of his area of responsibility last week, visiting Alaska to officiate the Alaskan Command (ALCOM) assumption of command ceremony and to get up to date on exercise Northern Edge 08. After a briefing on the

  • Northern Edge Participants Make Safety and Environment Issues #1 Priority

    Joint US forces hone current and test future applications of contingency operations in a variety of environmental circumstances in Northern Edge 08 (NE08), while taking every precaution to protect the Alaskan environment. All participants consider safety and environmental issues during flight

  • Sailors Hit the Elmendorf "Beach" to Load Ordnance at Northern Edge

    The seven ordinancemen of the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) here for NORTHERN EDGE are a tight-knit group. Though stationed in Fallon, Nevada, (also known as "Top Gun"), these ordinance sailors are here to support four U.S. Navy jets with inert weapons systems and training equipment.

  • Learning the Lingo: Sailors and Airmen "Talk the Talk" at Northern Edge

    For the sailors of the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC), being in Alaska isn't just another "fish out of water" story. Sure, there's a certain amount of transition needed to get from ship to shore. And it can take a moment to translate "gedunk" into "snack bar" and "head" into "bathroom."

  • Civilian Leaders Visit NE 08

    How do you get numerous high-powered Anchorage business people to abandon their jobs for half a day? Stick time in the F-15 simulator and a chance to stand next to and examine the F-22 Raptor usually works. The Northern Edge 08 Distinguished Visitor tour was May 7 here as 3rd Wing commander Brig.

  • Logistics Makes the World Go Round

    "If everything goes great, no one cares about logistics," said Lt. Col. Todd M. Dudinsky, the ALCOM J4 Plans and Policies Officer. "They care when stuff doesn't get here, or they can't get from one place to another, or if there aren't places to sleep or eat." Dudinsky quoted an old military saying,

  • Military visits the village of Chenega to discuss Northern Edge 2008

       Chenega is located on Evans Island in Prince William Sound, 104 air miles southeast of Anchorage. It is a federally-recognized tribe located in this mostly Alutiiq community that practices a subsistence and commercial fishing lifestyle. Chenega is classified as an isolated village with one

  • 4-25TH ID, 3rd ASOS provide CAS during NE08

    Shortly after coordinates were relayed to the pilots and infrared heat markers were deployed emitting a discreet optical beacon, F-16s passed over an unsuspecting convoy, deployed ordnance, and neutralized any possible threats. What appeared to be a malicious air raid was actually a training