3rd Wing ORI date change: May 2009

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Tom Tinsley
  • Commander, 3rd Wing
Arctic Warriors,
As we approach summer, the 3rd Wing continues to plan for and implement major changes that affect our missions, personnel, and organizational structure. Each of these changes will yield long-term impacts on our day-to-day operations. These changes include bedding down two new weapon systems, incorporating both the Reserves and the Guard into our daily ops, developing a joint basing plan for the merger of Elmendorf and Fort Richardson, and preparing for the implementation of the wing's new functional group structure. On top of this, we are preparing for the Operational Readiness Inspection. This is all happening while you, our professional Airmen, continue to execute your wartime missions.
Recently, the timelines of several of these events have shifted, resulting in major events taking place this summer and fall. There is no question in my mind this wing could overcome every one of these challenges while still turning in an "Outstanding" on the fall ORI, but I also have a responsibility as your commander to ensure we all understand the priorities our Air Force and our country demand we maintain.
After coordinating with our major command and 3rd Wing leadership, I believe our priorities for the remainder of the year are as follows:
1. Our wartime missions
2. The Air Force-directed reorganization of our wing structure
3. The continued development of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson
With these priorities in mind, I have requested and received Pacific Air Forces approval to re-schedule the ORI for May 09.
Although a lot of progress has been made during the last three exercises, there is still a long way to go before we are ready for the ORI. We cannot afford to lose the momentum we have generated thus far. Therefore, we will continue to exercise in 2008, but at a reduced rate.
As of now, you can make plans for a Phase I operational readiness exercise starting the Wednesday after Memorial Day weekend. The August ORE is cancelled. Expect a Phase I ORE from Sept. 16-18 and a Phase II ORE from Oct. 28-30 prior to returning for final ORI preparations after the winter holiday break.
Thank you for your continued dedication and service. I look forward to seeing you define excellence for the rest of the Air Force next spring.