Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska -- The U.S. Army released a programmatic environmental assessment (PEA) and draft finding of no significant impact (FONSI) regarding the stationing of a multi-domain task force (MDTF), and invites the public to review the documents and provide comments.
The Army developed the PEA and draft FONSI to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Both documents are available for review and comment at the following website:
The Army invites members of the general public, federally recognized Native American Tribes, Native Alaskan Entities, or Native Hawaiian Organizations, and federal, state, and local agencies to submit input by July 22, 2022. The Army will consider all timely comments prior to making a final decision regarding MDTF stationing.
Written comments should be submitted to: U.S. Army Environmental Command, ATTN: MDTF Public Comments, 2455 Reynolds Rd., Mail Stop 112, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7588. Comments can also be emailed to: with “MDTF Public Comments” in the subject line.
The Army evaluated the following 13 installations for possible MDTF stationing: Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Fort Carson, Colorado; Fort Drum, New York; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Knox, Kentucky; Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Stewart, Georgia; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington; Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska; U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii (Schofield Barracks and Helemano Military Reservation); and Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
MDTF stationing is an essential step in transforming the Army into a multi-domain force by 2035. MDTF stationing supports the joint force (i.e., all U.S. military services) – plus U.S. allies – in the rapid and continuous integration of all domains of warfare: land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. The Army intends to station MDTFs at Army garrisons and joint bases so the MDTFs can quickly deploy to any theater of operations where they are needed.
The PEA examined two MDTF alternatives: the full MDTF, which consists of approximately 3,000 soldiers; and the base MDTF, which consists of headquarters elements and approximately 400 soldiers. For U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii, the PEA looked only at the base MDTF configuration.
The PEA analyzed the potential environmental impacts of stationing an MDTF at each assessed installation, including direct, indirect, and cumulative effects. The PEA also studied a no-action alternative. While the no-action alternative would not satisfy the Army’s needs, it provides a comparative baseline against which the effects of the proposed action alternatives can be examined.
The PEA analyzed the impacts of the proposed action alternatives and the no-action alternative on the following nine resource areas: air quality; biological resources; cultural resources; soils; land use; socioeconomics; traffic and transportation; infrastructure and utilities; and water resources. The PEA concluded the impacts at all assessed installations would be either less than significant or significant but mitigable.
To request a copy of the PEA and FONSI, or to submit questions, please contact the U.S. Army Environmental Command Public Affairs Office at 210-466-1590 or 210-488-6061, or send an email to: