EIS Public Comment Period for Proposed Mortar and Artillery Training at JBER

  • Published
  • 673 ABW

The US Air Force is now accepting public scoping comments for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Proposed Mortar and Artillery Training at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER), Alaska. The proposal is to modify the conditions under which indirect live-fire weapons training can be conducted at JBER, in order to meet training objectives.

As a direct result of the National Emergency declared by the President on Friday, March 13, 2020, in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the US, and the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings, the USAF has canceled the scoping meetings for this project. In lieu of scoping meetings, information on the proposal will be available on the project website at: https://JBER-PMART-EIS.com. For those who do not have ready access to a computer or the internet, the scoping-related materials posted to the website will be made available upon request by mail. Inquiries, requests for scoping-related materials, and comments regarding the Proposed Mortar and Artillery Training at Richardson Training Area EIS at JBER may be submitted by mail to JBER Public Affairs, JBER.PA@US.AF.MIL, (907) 552–8160; (US Post Office) JBER Public Affairs c/o Matthew Beattie, 10480 Sijan Ave., Suite 123, JBER, AK 99506.

Written scoping comments will be accepted at any time during the environmental impact analysis process up until the public release of the Draft EIS. To ensure the USAF has sufficient time to consider public input in the preparation of the Draft EIS, scoping comments should be submitted to the website at https://JBER-PMART-EIS.com or mailed to the address listed below no later than May 11, 2020. Written comments may be mailed to:

JBER Public Affairs

10480 Sijan Ave Suite 123

JBER, AK 99506