JBER hiring for more than 300 jobs

  • Published
  • 673 ABW

The Air Force Civilian Personnel Office is seeking to fill 200 General Schedule positions and another 118 Non-Appropriated Fund positions.

Full-time, part-time and seasonal positions are available in a variety of career fields including office administration, recreation, hospitality, aircraft maintenance, plumbing, engineering, social science, and child and youth programs.

Jobseekers can obtain assistance from JBER human resources representatives at the Mat-Su Job Center 2020 Employer Expo, at the Mat-Su College, 8295 E. College Drive, Palmer, Alaska, Wednesday, March 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  

If you’re unable to attend or would like more information about civilian jobs on JBER, log onto https://www.usajobs.gov. For GS jobs on JBER, contact Civilian Personnel at (907) 552-9204 and for NAF jobs, contact NAF Human Resources at (907) 552-4563.

Nearly 3,500 appropriated and non-appropriated fund civilian employees work on JBER in support of our military.

For other information about the Mat-Su Job Center, call (907) 325-2500 or log onto http://jobs.alaska.gov/.