Media Advisory: Innovation Lab Grand Opening

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On Sept.3, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. personnel and JBER leadership will be gathering to celebrate the Grand Opening of the JBER Innovation Lab. This event will be held at JBER. During this time we would like to provide an opportunity to meet with some of the team that is bringing this innovation shift to life.

The lab is specifically designed to ignite and empower JBER Personnel by providing a creative space to think, prototype, and design. The space also provides personnel channels to connect with the resources within the innovation community, such as BMNT workshops, 3-D Printers, Metals Technology, Makers Space, etc., and creates a conduit for their ideas to come to life.

If you would like to attend this event please call us at 551-8995 or email by close of business Thursday August 29, 2019.